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Pontchartrain Beach Foundation Final Lease Draft

April 14, 2023

Message from Harold Matherne:


Attached you will find the "Final Draft" version of the LMA Pontchartrain Beach Foundation lease that was released to the public on Tuesday.

I've also attached a comparison chart that I created the compares this lease to the list of lease provisions we created to mitigate most of the impact this proposed re-development would have on Lake Oaks and Lake Terrace.

As you will see in the comparison, most of what we requested has been left out.

The LMA has scheduled a joint Recreation/Subdivision, Legal and Commercial Real Estate Committee lease review and discussion meeting on May 20 at 10:00am (Location to be determined). The announcement also noted:

"In the near term, the proposed lease will be discussed at the following meetings:

Recreation/Subdivision Committee meeting April 18, 2023 4:30pm

Legal Committee meeting April 20, 2023 2:30pm

Commercial Real Estate Committee meeting April 20, 2023 3:30pm

I suspect these committees have been asked to review and recommend approval of this proposed lease as part of the resolution passed during the LMA Board meeting of July 28, 2022. This is logically out of order as one would expect the committees to hear public comment before their respective meeting. This is probably due to the original planned public review meeting date of April 15, 2023. This was pushed back to May 20 by the combined requests of the Lake Oaks and Lake Terrace Civic Association presidents.

With this in mind, we should try and attend as many of these committee meetings as possible to ensure the three committees understand our dissatisfaction with the proposed lease and recommend not approving it to the LMA Board.

You are more then welcome to forward all of this on to others!

Best regards,

Harold Matherne

*** Please note the documents are linked in this blog post, click the orange- colored text. If these links do not work, these documents can also be found on the Homepage of our website, at the very top, under the Menu Bar.***

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